Oct 2, 2023

5 Design Colors that Are Timeless

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Jumping on a popular-color bandwagon can be fun — until you realize in time that the same color you thought was a good idea now makes your design look dated and irrelevant. Taking a little color risk is great, but there are ways to prevent yourself from going overboard and succumbing to trend remorse. Here are five timeless colors that can evolve with color trends you want to try in your designs.

Bright Red




Navy Blue

On the other side, the color GREEN is arguably the least timeless color with several examples though the years attributing to this idea. One particular shade of green was named "The Ugliest Color in the World". This unappealing brownish-green hue is Pantone 448 C.
The Australian government has been enacting laws to make cigarette packaging as unpleasant as possible to dissuade consumers from smoking. The plain packages are logo-free, sport large health warnings, and graphic pictures of the consequences of smoking. They're also Pantone 448 C.